N-CATT regularly evaluates its impact on the transit industry and the value it adds to transit agencies in understanding and applying transit technology to accomplish their goals. We have collected a variety of metrics to evaluate our impact, and periodically develop reports to check in on how we’re doing. This dashboard provides a snapshot of our impact as of June 2022.
N-CATT provides technical assistance in a variety of forms:
N-CATT has provided the following technical assistance from January 2022 through October 2023:
N-CATT’s Tech University is designed to help website visitors learn about the big topics in transit technology. We provide resources in various formats to fit visitors’ needs; these include guidebooks, white papers, fact sheets, video profiles, webinars, and podcasts. Engagement with our products continues to grow, showing a steady spread of information on transit tech throughout the industry.
Our efforts span the entire United States, and N-CATT has established a national presence through its technical assistance, outreach, and tech university offerings. The map below summarizes the directed technical assistance, conference participation, and in-depth Tech U case studies that we have conducted.