Apps have become a helpful tool for transit agencies to communicate important information to their passengers, including regular service information, service adjustments, and real-time issues as they occur. With that in mind, launching an app – either built in-house or using an existing platform – requires careful consideration and planning. This worksheet will help you start that planning process by prompting you through some of the first considerations you need to address. Answer the prompts in the attached worksheet to the best of your abilities, and take note of other questions that arise as you make your way through. At the end, you should have a general sense of the research you need to do to get started.
N-CATT develops worksheets to help transit operators think through important considerations for various technologies. The goal of each worksheet is to help you start organizing your thoughts around the topic to lead to more informed decision-making. While the considerations we prompt you with on the worksheet are a starting point, there are likely additional important details to consider that we couldn’t fit. No technology is one-size-fits-all, and so we encourage you to answer the questions as you see fit, add your own ideas, and improvise the worksheet to make it best suit your needs. This is just a starting point for a big project.
We encourage you to reach out with any questions about this worksheet, or any questions this worksheet prompts that you need additional information about. Also, please provide any feedback you have on how to make these better! You can reach us at helpdesk@n-catt.org.