Hello everyone,
It’s me, Marcela. I’m the new Transit Technologist for the National Center for Applied Transit Technology. I attended Georgia Tech for my undergraduate degree in History, Technology and Society (with a minor in International Affairs), and a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning, specializing the Environmental & Health Planning. I began my journey in the transit industry as a Transit Projects Coordinator at the City of Asheville where I wore many hats, including implementation of the 2018 Transit Master Plan, bus stop planning, community outreach, contractor compliance, and capital improvements. My favorite part about transit planning is being in the field and observing the impact of behind-the-scenes changes on the rider experience. While I am currently located in Asheville, North Carolina, I am excited to join the rest of the N-CATT & CTAA team in Washington DC team after the pandemic. You can find me spending time outside hiking or skiing, eating her way around town, or reading.
Stay tuned, and as always, reach out with any questions!
Marcela Moreno
Transit Technologist
N-CATT Products
See all of our publications and webinars through Tech University.
Our new webinar series is ramping up! First to the plate:
Virtual Public Engagement: Strategies and Trends.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced transit agencies to pivot in a number of ways, including how they engage with the public. This forced innovation has a silver lining, though: it has led to tech-based engagement methods that can enable broader public input than traditional meetings.
N-CATT and Kearns & West discuss some promising strategies and trends that are beginning to emerge in virtual public engagement, and how other transit agencies can implement those plans.
Be on the lookout for
Managing and Making Decisions from Data
Digital Tools to Facilitate System Redesigns
Data: Collecting, Managing, and Making Decisions
Green Energy: Strategies and Trends for Small Transit Agencies
New Software Adoptions for Small Transit Agencies
Visit the N-CATT Events page for information about offerings through N-CATT and our fellow TA centers.
For upcoming events of any FTA-funded technical assistance center and other relevant events for those audiences, the Federal Transit Administration is (FTA) is now hosting an Events webpage [https://www.transit.dot.gov/events]. Featured events currently include webinars, a safety workshop, and a technical assistance center roundtable discussion.
Other Transit Tech News
Introducing TACL: The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library. The Library collects information across FTA-funded technical assistance centers to promote coordination among any level of agency. TACL’s task force is holding a webinar on February 23 to show more about the Library and how visitors can utilize it to find transportation coordination TA resources.
The Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) is partnering with the state and local governments to develop a real-time data system that they hope will enable the transportation system to actively respond to incidents. Read more here.
Intelligent Transportation Systems: Findings from the 2019 Small Urban and Rural Transit Provider Survey. A summary of findings from the ITS Small Urban and Transit Providers Survey.
About N-CATT Tech News
N-CATT Tech News is the newsletter of the National Center for Applied Transit Technology [https://n-catt.org] (N-CATT), which is operated by the Community Transportation Association under a cooperative agreement with the Federal Transit Administration.
Sign up for our monthly N-CATT Tech Newsletter