Is Micromobility Right for You?
Is there a market for micromobility in your area? And if there is, what varieties of stakeholder inputs do you need to consider? Jurisdictions should develop goals for implementing a program (e.g., reducing single-occupancy vehicle trips, providing multi-modal options or recreational opportunities, connecting to transit, addressing first and last mile trips, etc.) and evaluate the extent to which programs can help achieve these goals.
The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has published Opportunities for State DOTs (and others) to Encourage Shared-Use Mobility Practices in Rural Areas (NCHRP 20-65 Task 76), which includes a rural shared use mobility toolkit to help guide decision-making in developing shared use mobility in rural settings (NCHRP 2019). Some key considerations for evaluating the feasibility and success of potential micromobility programs are discussed below.
Market Considerations
Before embarking on micromobility, it is important to consider whether a micromobility program is appropriate for your community. Micromobility exists in a variety of contexts but performs best in areas with a high concentration of destinations located within close proximity to one another. It is important to consider your market, including who would use the service and the types of trips they make take. Some key considerations include:
- What are the population and employment densities in your potential micromobility market? Low density areas may struggle to produce suitable ridership.
- Does the market have an abundance of mixed-use land uses (including housing, employment sites, schools, grocery stores, and major retail and restaurant corridors)?
- Among existing trips in the market, how many are under three miles in length? How many are under one mile? Micromobility largely serves shorter trips.
- Does the market have any tourist and leisure destinations? Many micromobility programs succeed by attracting recreational trips from residents and visitors.
- Are there key institutional anchors such as a local college or university which can help drive ridership?
- Is there already a propensity of people who bike or scooter? Some indicators may be number of carless households, bike/walk commute mode share, the presence of bike shops, bike trails or lanes, or public bike racks.
Jurisdictional Considerations
If it is determined that there is a market for micromobility, then planners must consider if the jurisdiction is able to support the start-up and operation of such a program. Jurisdictions should ask themselves:
- Does the program have a sustainable source of funding to cover future operations and maintenance, aside from the initial start-up costs?
- Does existing infrastructure help support a micromobility program (e.g., safe sidewalks, a connected network of bike lanes, available right-of-way (ROW) for stations, etc.)? If not, can projects be included in upcoming capital improvement budgets (with the caveat that they may take years to build)?
- Are there local partners that may support the program (e.g., cycling non-profits, neighboring jurisdictions that may share costs, sponsors, etc.)?
- Is there support from residents, businesses, politicians, and local stakeholders for a system?
- Is there buy-in among staff in the jurisdiction’s departments (e.g., finance, maintenance, public works, etc.)?
- Does the jurisdiction have adequate staffing to establish a micromobility program (e.g., vendor procurement, in-house maintenance or operations, etc.)?
- What accommodations need to be made for populations without smartphones or mobile data?
- Will the program have accommodations for persons with disabilities, for example providing adaptive bicycles?
- What mechanisms can be established to assure that the program is works well across the community?
User Considerations
If it is determined that the jurisdiction is able to support the micromobility program, then jurisdictions must set certain goals related to the user experience to ensure that the system is actually used and becomes successful. Jurisdictions should consider:
- Where are docking stations and/or other designated docking areas?
- What is the user experience when using micromobility?
- Who is the target audience for micromobility? Is the proposed system designed to meet their needs?
- Does micromobility allow users to connect to other modes of travel or other areas within the region?
- How easily can a user use the service (e.g., integration with transit app, easy check-out/payment)?
- Do potential users have access to a smartphone and high-speed data?
Vendor Considerations
Finally, jurisdictions should be aware of what potential vendors may be considering before deciding to partner with the jurisdiction in establishing the micromobility service. These considerations may include:
- Will the market support a financially sustainable business model, especially in lower density areas?
- Are there ways to partner with transit agencies, which may have more long-term, stable funding available?
- Does the jurisdiction have infrastructure that would support micromobility?
Regulations and Permitting
Local jurisdictions are frequently the body that regulates micromobility. Jurisdictions regulate new and existing development and the usage of public space, including right of way, and set public policy. They may determine the application process for micromobility vendors, operating fees and terms, the conditions to which vendors must adhere, and the costs vendors may incur (ROW provision, signage, etc.) to establish operations. Vendors, partners, and transit agencies are the ones that must follow these regulations.
Approaches to Micromobility
Jurisdictions should consider their overall attitude and approach towards supporting and regulating micromobility, which can steer subsequent regulations and permitting. The American Planning Association’s Planning for Shared Mobility (2019) lays out frameworks to describe the extent to which jurisdictions can view and support shared mobility:
- A sustainable business with moderate governmental support
- A business with minimal governmental support.
Deloitte Insights summarizes possible approaches to regulating micromobility on a sliding scale of regulation. These approaches include:
- Jurisdictions entering into a public-private partnership with a vendor.
- A more open approach with limited regulations, in particular for new markets.
- Express bans with potential impoundments.
- A formal, permitting process for which vendors must adhere to a jurisdiction’s set of rules.
Common Regulatory and Permitting Requirements
The Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC) maintains a searchable, international Micromobility Policy Atlas of shared bike, e-bike, and scooter policies that may also serve as examples. The National Association of City Transportation Officials developed guidelines for regulating shared micromobility.
Common Requirements:
Operating Service Area |
Reporting |
Fleet Requirements |
Data Sharing and Standards |
Parking |
Insurance |
Safety |
Access |
Implementing Micromobility
This worksheet is a quick reference guide to the key steps to implement micromobility. While any implementation plan starts with the same set of basic questions, the overall approach diverges based on whether an organization is looking to create a program of their own or merely hoping to regulate or permit a program operated by someone else.
Note that this worksheet captures common steps to implementing micromobility. There are a wide range of approaches and strategies to implementing micromobility and organizations interested in implementing such a program may deviate from the checklist below.
Finally, community engagement should occur throughout the planning process. Community buy-in is easiest achieved if engagement starts early and occurs often.
Step 1: Create the Plan
Many successful micromobility programs begin with a fundamental planning process that identifies what the community hopes to achieve with micromobility, the market demand for such a system, and potential paths for moving forward, including:
- Identify key community stakeholders to involve in the micromobility planning process. In addition to transit providers, this may include the affected jurisdictions, key local advocates, the business community, and key institutions.
- Define your goals for micromobility. What do you want to achieve with a program? How would you define a successful program? What are the key factors that would make or break micromobility in your community
- Identify your target market for micromobility. Where would the program succeed in the service area? How could micromobility compliment or enhance transit services? Who would use the program?
- Determine basic geographic scope and size of the program. Does the service area require a large system to be effective? Are there opportunities for a more targeted pilot?
- Explore the willingness of key stakeholders to be program partners, either through the administration, funding, or promotion of micromobility. Developing partnerships with stakeholders is a long-term process and its helpful to bring potential partners in early to the planning process to build that relationship.
Step 2: Develop Business Model
- Determine ownership and governance model. Will micromobility be owned and operated by private company, public entity, or as a public-private partnership? Who is responsible for program oversight and regulation? Who is responsible for day-to-day decision-making?
- Identify who will operate the program. In the case of private operations, will there be a single exclusive operator or multiple firms permitted to operate (and potentially compete with one another) in the community.
- Identify the types of technology to be used by the system. What are the high-level constraints placed around technology, including type of vehicles (e.g., bikes and scooters), whether it is docked or dockless or a combination, and whether the program will rely on one technology platform or a variety of solutions.
- Develop a funding approach. Will the program rely on a private operator to run a completely financially self-sustaining system? Will resources like sponsorships, advertising, and public funds be made available?
Step 3: Implement Business Model
- Finalize program governance and establish group responsible for overseeing system implementation.
- Direct Ownership Model
Finalize initial program financial plan. - Initiate fundraising plan, including acquisition of program sponsor(s), advertisers, and donors.
- Draft procurement document based on selected operations and ownership model. Ensure procurement reflect desired operating requirements.
- Complete program procurement.
License and Permitting Model
- Finalize operating requirements and constraints. How many operators will be permitted to operate? Will there be a cap on system size? What specific permit requirements will the jurisdiction place on the operator?
- Depending on circumstances, initiate a competitive or open bidding process for micromobility operators. Note many systems elect to start the program as a pilot with a fixed end date.
Step 4: Countdown to Launch
- Initiate launch-focused community engagement, including feedback on station locations (if applicable). Ensure there is adequate dialogue with individuals or groups directly impacted by program implementation (e.g., property owners adjacent to station location)
- Initiate marketing and promotion of the program, including engagement with the potential ridership market.
- Complete installation of necessary infrastructure such as signage, sidewalk/roadway markings, and stations.
- Initiate rider education. Communicate to the public how to use micromobility services, including guidance on user safety, rules, and regulations.
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